Today is the day Brent and I fly to Sicily. We’ll spend 13 hours in the air, stop in four airports, and land in three countries. We can’t wait.

We’ve been doing our assigned reading this week, from books about the cooking school, to the history of Sicily, and the philosophy of cooking. So far what stands out most is the passion for food and the wildness of the land.

Of course, there’s something deeply human in that. An exuberance for life coupled with the challenge of understanding and taming the Earth.


Here are some of our favorite Italian food expressions so far — notice the drama and exuberance of the language: 

“I ho fame” – I am hungry — from the word that gives us famished, no casual expression of hunger

“Una buona forchetta” – A good fork, an enthusiastic eater

“Squisito” – Delicious, an explosive and yet tender word


Some Sicilian proverbs:

“Cui si marita, sta cuntenti un jornu, Cu’ ammazza un porcu, sta cuntenti un annu.” –

Who gets married will be happy for a day, who butchers a pig will be happy for a year.

“Di guerra, caccia e amuri, pri un gustu milli duluri.” – In war, hunting, and love you suffer a thousand pains for one pleasure.

“Non c’è megghiu sarsa di la fami.” – Hunger is the best sauce.


And did we mention the gelato breakfast sandwich? No, really.

We’re excited to dig deeper into the language and culture of a new place. Interested in more? Here are some of the books we’re reading.

Ciao, Tutti!

Coming Home To Sicily, Seasonal Harvests and Cooking from Case Vecchie by Fabrizia Lanza

The Leopard: A Novel by Giuseppe di Lampedusa

Extra Virginity, The Sublime and Scandalous World of Olive Oil by Tom Mueller